Design Sprint - Pastel Bank

Role: UX Researcher, UI/UX Designer
Designed for: iPhone 7
Team: Rita Law, Winona Huang, Nick McInnis & Leo Li
Tools: Pen & Paper, Sticky notes, Sketch, InVision

For this design sprint, we were tasked with designing a new feature for “Pastel Bank”. My team and I decided to explore the problem space of young professionals and investing. During the 5 day design sprint, my role was the project manager and the stitcher, also helped with asset collecting and copy.

Marketing Website

Desktop HD Copy.png

How might we…

introduce new investment opportunities to young professionals in order to support local businesses in their community?

Research Findings

  • Over half of Canadian millennials have less than $1,000 in savings

  • 58% of Canada's small businesses start out with less than $5,000

  • 79% started their business with less than $20,000



User Journey

Interview Insights:

  • Want shorter length terms and faster returns

  • Familiar with online banking

  • Want to be more involved with the community

  • Willing to take higher risk investments

Proposed Solution:

  • Opportunity to invest disposable income into local businesses through peer-to-peer (P2P) lending.

  • Users are able to research and make an impact in their community.

  • Pastel Bank will earn 1.5% on all peer-to-peer lending transactions.

  • Investors can earn up to 3.5% return on their investments.


Project Constraints

The solution must be designed using Avenir as the primary font.

The design solution must reflect the primary brand colours shown.


The solution must be accessible and WCAG AA Compliant


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Daily Doodles