Podcast Addict: A Heuristic Evaluation



My classmate Rogene and I evaluated a podcast application called Podcast Addict that is only available on android, using Jakob Nielson’s design heuristics to identify potential usability issues and brainstorm improvements. 

We then did a redesign under the system guidelines and branding for the current application. 

Team: Rita & Rogene
Role: UX / UI Designer
Tools: Paper & Pen, Sketch, InVision 
Timeframe: 1 week

The Original Application:

Podcast Addict is an Android only app that is equivalent to the iOS podcast app that allows users to listen to podcasts on the go. The features allow users to browse, search, download and listen to podcasts at their convenience. 

Heuristic Evaluation:

For this project, Rogene and I applied Jakob Nielson’s 10 heuristics to document issues with Podcast Addict. The user’s task was to find a new podcast episode from a specific category to subscribe to. 

  1. Consistency and Standards

  2. Aesthetic and Minimalistic Design

  3. Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

  4. Recognition rather than Recall

  5. Error Prevention

  6. Visibility of System Status

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Unit4_P1 (2).png
Unit4_P1 (4).png
Unit4_P1 (5).png
Unit4_P1 (6).png
Unit4_P1 (8).png
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Unit4_P1 (10).png
Unit4_P1 (11).png

Screen Designs: Before & After

Based on our evaluation of Podcast Addict’s usability, we redesigned an improved set of screens to fit the task. 

Unit 4 Part 2 - Podcast Addict Redesign.png
Unit 4 Part 2 - Podcast Addict Redesign (1).png
Unit 4 Part 2 - Podcast Addict Redesign (5).png
Unit 4 Part 2 - Podcast Addict Redesign (7).png
Unit 4 Part 2 - Podcast Addict Redesign (8).png
Unit 4 Part 2 - Podcast Addict Redesign (10).png

Case Study: schedj.


BrainStation Hackathon